Candles that make a difference.

Our Why

Did you know that 1 in 6 people are estimated to have one or more significant disabilities? Despite being the largest minority group, disabled individuals and their experiences still remain highly unseen within our society. Our goal at This Little Light Candle Co. is to educate, advocate, love, support, and cheer on the disabled community (and their loved ones!) through our themed candles by bringing advocacy into your home.

I’ve had the privilege of working closely with disabled individuals in my role as a speech pathologist for over five years, and it is one my life’s great joys to honor their lived experiences and to educate others about how much they offer to our world.

With love and light,






“We ALL have a seat at this table together, but some of you will need to hold the door open so others of us can wheel into the room!” If the disabled and typically abled communities agree to both mindfully extend and graciously accept the invitation to the communal table, we will gain things we desperately need but couldn’t find on our own.

An untapped healing and an unstoppable hope. A newfound knowledge that we’re not alone. A slower pace at which to move through the world. A vulnerable space to tell our stories and listen intently to others. An embodied practice of looking into the eyes of a stranger and seeing ourselves reflected back.

And in so doing, we can deny the lie that the good experience and the hard experience belong to two different people. We can disrupt the myth that joy can only be found in a pain-free life.”

- Katharine Wolf